I din noe when i was tagged but i manage to complete it today due to a very bz few days..
1. ~ Real name ~ Faizal Iskandar
2. ~ Nickname ~ Jal, Makaronie, Dex, Pijal, eh & a lot more..
3. ~Married ~ Waiting
4. ~ Male or female ~ Male
5. ~Highschool ~ Highschool as in?? Sekolah Menengah??
6. ~College ~ Currently In Asian Tourism International College (KK)
7. ~Short or long hair ~ Short
8. ~Are you a health freak ~ Nope , most off the good foods is not good for health :p
9. ~Height ~ 170cm - 180 ++ ( not sure )
10. ~Do u have a crush on someone~ Maybe Or Not
11. ~Do u like yourself~ A lot
12. ~Piercings~ One
13. ~Righty or lefty~ Prefer Right
14. ~Surgery~ Once..when I was a baby..something to do with my lungs ( not that serious )
15. ~Piercings~ Ears ( Now No More, Good Boy ) :p
16. ~Person you see in the morning~ My own reflection in the mirror
17. ~Award~ Some but not many..
18. ~Sport you joined~ Futsal, Basketball, Cricket
19. ~First pet~ Can't remember due to a lot of pets :p
20. ~First vacation~ Dun quite remember
21. ~Concert~ My own concert :p
22. ~Crush~ No one serious
23. ~Eating~ Wow..all the food that human can eat..i want to taste for myself
24. ~Drinking~ Prefer non carbohydrate drinks
25. ~I'm about to~ sleeeeeeep..so tired
Your future...
26.~Want kids~ Yes!! but not to many..very problematic
27.~Want to get married~ Someday
28.~Careers in mind~ An excellent chef
29.~Lips or eyes ~ Both
30.~Hugs or kisses~ Both la
31.~Shorter or taller~ Somewhere in the middle
32. ~Romantic or spontaneous~ Romantic is better ( My ex gf is not romantic ) :p
33.~Sensitive or loud~ Sensitive
34.~Trouble maker or hesitant~ Trouble maker always get the girls :p
Have you EVER...
35.~Kissed a stranger~ Not yet or maybe..can't recall
36.~Drank bubbles~ maybe..accidentally
37.~Lost glasses/contacts~ I dont wear them
38.~Ran away from home~ Lots of time
39.~Liked someone younger~ Yes..maybe their cuter :p
40.~Liked someone older~ Yes..more experience :p
41.~Broken someone's heart~ Sometime in the past
42.~Been arrested~ You mean like go to jail..nope
43.~Cried when someone died ~ Off course..I'm a crier :p
44.~Like a friend~ Some of them
45.~Yourself~ 110%
46.~Miracles~ Not yet happen so far..
47.~Heaven~ What about it?
48.~Santa clause ~ Not really believe in that stuff
49.~Angels~ Exist I guess
50.~Is there one person you want to be with right now~ Maybe
51.~Do you believe in God~ Yes, I do
52. ~Reason to be happy~ Cause I'm not attach to anything right now but being happy
53.~Tag 5 people~ Masterdy, Madu Beracun , Wewen , Mellisa Desiree, K[O]R[N]
You Are That Answered Prayer
6 months ago
1 Comment:
dalink, aku pun udah kena tagged oleh lady kay dgn tag nie.. anggap jak aku buat tag tu untuk nie skali yah. hehe. :)
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