I wana start by saying Wow, Shit , Damn , Adei~~ & =.="...hehe..saja2 ba tu..lama suda oo sy xtulis blog nie..hmm..been very bz with something else..Tagged i guess..ermm..not so active in Friendster anymore...HuHuHaHaHeHeHoHoHiHi
Secondly..valentine's day in like tomorrow..alalala..xda lg gf sy nie buli sy date2 time valentine nie..xpa..jimat duit jg maw beli coklat ma bunga tuk cewe2 nie...hehehe..to all the couple who is either in mirc or my friends out there..somewhere still living..i hope u all have a blessed n romantic valentine's day..play the part for me as i am not eligible to celebrate Valentine's Day on certain purposes like I DON'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!Anyways..hope all the couples that are together will stay with each other for much more many years after this valentine's day..
Ermm..i wana write a new post..ow ya..bout my ex..i just knew dat she's had been slapped by some bastard guy dat is drunk..hmm..someone told me about this or i wouldn't know..i read her blog..suprisingly, i don't feel anything..
Next thing is to all my blog followers, i will share a story of me to u guys, but im not in the mood for typing and writing now..so i guess i will just update my blog when i have a story..or u guys u give me some idea on what i should write..:p
Wanting something is different than having it..it feels different and it is a unique feeling...when u wanting something and getting it at last..then u can say I've Got the POWER!!
Next thing i wana say is for my beb..Trisya a.k.a Miz_CayG18..beb..napa beb gnie nie skg..nda bgs..pls be happy..i want u to be happy..ermm..law sapa2 yg bikin sakit hati..tawpun yg slalu buat beb xda mood..buang ja dorg jauh2..bcuz beb tetap akan ada beh..kita kan kwn bek..beb xsuka beb nie slalu xda mood..n tu jari tu..ok suda ka..tu la..nda hati2..len kali law tgh buat sesuatu yg berkaitan sama benda tajam, jgn bz body maw p sibuk2 hal org len..beb nie taw..careless betul..ya..ada lg..tu coklat kek..bila beb maw buat..beh maw tgo nie..law beb suda buat nnt..mms ja gmbr kek tu sana tempat beh k...hehe..take k beb..xoxo..luv u..:)
Erm..before i forgot..i will post in my recipe for the pie ASAP...sorry pada sapa2 yg mnggu tu...sbb sy blm ada buat lg tu makanan..tggu sy buat dulu tu makanan..ambil gmbr tu makanan, baru sy post ya..sabar2 ja kamu..penantian kamu akan sy buat berbaloi..ekekekeke..:p
Peace from MakarON|e@Faizal
You Are That Answered Prayer
6 months ago
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