HueHueuHeuHue..Someone's killing me with this tagged thingy..I did not realize until she told me last night.. This is kinda simple one since it's short..So here it goes~~
What were you doing 5 years ago? I remembered..5 year ago is I guess I was still studying at that time..Form 4 if I'm not mistaken..
What were the 5 things on your list to do today?
1. Go to class ( Marketing )
2. Window Shopping
3. Go and waste time at the arcade centre
4. Thinking what time to get home
5. Get Home
What are the snacks that you enjoy?
Anything that links to chocolate will be my preference..
What are 5 things that you do if you were a billionaire?
1. Buy special sport car where only me have it.
2. Buy a huge house located in country side with all the high tech stuff, pools, a huge garden, a high tech parking for my car.
3. I will hang out with my loyal friend and maybe buy some good things for him as well.
4. I will open up my own restaurant and hire the best chef to cook in my restaurant.
5. Then I will pay back my parent what they have spent on me all this years 10 times more.
What 5 jobs you’ve had?
1. Kitchen helper
2. Cashier
3. Waiter
4. Cook
5. Student ( Does that count..I'm still young, don't blame me )
Who are the 5 person you want to tag?
1. Masterdy
2. K[O]R[N]
3. Wewen
4. Cyntha
5. Lady Of Liberty@ Melissa Desiree
For those who has been tagged by me..please complete these easy task..because more good ones are coming out..
You Are That Answered Prayer
6 months ago
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