If u guys ever heard of the name Wewen..This is her..Real Name Joanne..I named my first channel after her..
There's a lot of things about this girls that is so complicated that me myself don understand at all..if u guys where there to see wad i did for here in the past..i guess u would know how much this girl meant to me..but past is past..let BYGONES be BYGONES..i just want to express myself here where i tried to explain to her once...but she never understood..or maybe she have her own difficulties..only god know..Dia ni baik btl ba..tp bf dia kan..nta la..dia nda brapa maw kisah..but the thing is when i first known her in college..we were all just stupid boys and girls..but time has move on, and also college life really change us all..if u don't believe me, u can ask them who been to college before..
Nie gambar dia paling cantik la dlm hp sy..dia yg bg..tu la sy post cnie supaya kamu berliur nmpk..hehe..i have love this girls for almost three years..and still perhaps..but i've let go of her from heart..mcm org ckp, jgn mengharap ba..last2 sendiri yg kecewa..ya..mmg btl 2..mmg sy kecewa berabis sama dia nie..she noes and i noe as well..kami x berhubung suda law kamu maw taw..i guess dats the only way to not let the feeling get into both of us again..byk suda sejarah kami sama2...im reali serious with this girl..hoping every day that something will change for the better..but i guess nothing is what we hope for although we try to make changes..something just can't be change..byk peminat dia nie..mcm sy byk peminat jg..hehehe..perasan sendiri skejap..i guess u need to get to noe her to know what kind of person she is..i hope years from now when we're both settle down..both of us will look back at the past and laugh at it..because Experience has no Price, you have to be there to feel it™
You Are That Answered Prayer
6 months ago
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