Firstly, i would to say sorry for not updating my I'm gonna share with u guys bout sth dat I've been thinking bout this past few like coming with memorable happiness in my head but left me with a scratch in my heart..I'm talking about someone i'm so into..i've never forgetten bout her..but that day the time i spend with her is so special in some word than can't a feeling that i love and hoping that day will stay still..when we love that moment..we wish that we can be there for a long time..but in this only last for a day..the next day..everything change..i hate changes like dat..
Susah ba kan law maw harap sama org yg balik2 suda kc kecewa kita..antara kami mmg berlalu suda nie la nie cari mslh balik..susah jg ba law mmg suka betul sama seseorang tu..maw lepas pun susah, maw trima balik pun susah..mgkn nie la cinta yg lama hilang tp kembali..psl hal nie..byk sy fikir jg..sbb sblm nie mmg susah ba hbgn kami nie maw berhasil..skg pun sama..xda sapa yg salah..skg feeling sy makin kuat sama pun heran napa..disebabkan satu hari tu sj la..i felt something special with betul2 harap sesuatu akan maw xcinta bilang xcinta..lg senang..
Kalaw sy sama nie perempuan, hal2 dulu sy lupa trus dan pandai mghrap nie sama xtaw napa..sama pmpn lain, sy buli buat besa2 sm yg satu nie susa ckit..too many sweet and bad memories kami..bkn sy maw dia baca nie blog sy cuma maw meluahkan sak..sbb law sy ckp sama dia pun dia xkan faham..hehe..tu yg lucu..lg bgs sy rasa kami x bjumpa tu mgkn ada sbb dia..mgkn dia syg nta la..kepastian pun dia xdpt rasa bkn susah ba law maw btul2 sama tu org..ada org pernah kctaw sy yg lg bgs terima org yg syg ko wpun ko suka dia dpd ko syg 2 org yg ( ?? )..
Sy rasa kan law dia serius sama sy..dia akan pun akan happy..bkn ka tu yg semua psgn maw? Disebabkan dia la makin lama makin keras hati sy nie..tmbh2 lg tekanan yg dia bg sy skg..tmbh la susah tuk sy menerima org len..mgkn sy perasan sy dpt rasa kali nie dia mmg betul2 la setelah perjumpaan ari tu..i can sense something harap kali nie mmg sy betul la..xda org len yg sy maw bersama slain dpd dia..and don't ever ask me ko suka sy ka x..bcuz u noe the answer..just look straight into my eyes and u'll find how deeply in love i am with namaw tapok2 nie law xtaw napa dari dulu smp skg..Dulu time kami kapel..dia xsuka org taw nie kami kapel..mgkn dia malu ada bf mcm sy..tu pun sy respect keputusan ikut sj rentak dia..
Sy betul2 mls suda mnggu..seksa btul tggu2 maw skg kena ckp TIDAK taw skg kena ckp YA sy mmg syg ko..terlalu lama suda pnungguan sy nie..bila sy stop suda cari dia..dia akan cari balik trus dia akan buat sy gnie..kc kecewa sy..haha..mcm sy rasa sy bodoh nie..balik2 kena biar la..makin dia buat makin keras hati sy..prove it to me..bkn susah..mcm sy penah kc bukti sama dia ko namaw dgn sy..ckp sak..jgn buat sy gnie..sakit sy terhad nie..hargai la slagi sy mc ada dekat dgn ko..Sy maw PERUBAHAN..samada ko berubah..taw sy yg berubah..
You Are That Answered Prayer
6 months ago
1 Comment:
The strangest feeling we get dat makes us do the strangest things sumtimes. Even things we know are wrong. No one can tell you who 2 love or how, it just comes over you like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. There is no real written law that guides us in how we feel or who we have those feelings for. We simply must follow our heart. Sometimes even our heart can take us on a perilous journey. So many times there are those that have undeniable feelings for others when they know it is wrong and impossible to work out. Yet no matter how hard they try to avoid showing it sooner or later the inevitable happens. Perhaps it will turn out OK or perhaps disasterous. With this in mind our heart still take over and lead us straight down this forbidden path. Sometimes we are blinded by the opposite of LOVE, "LUST". Lust tries to make us feel it is love when reality is nothing of the sort. And there are sacrifices that need to be made, the pain to be endured.. Oh the sacrifices we are so willing to make in the name of love. Oh the pain so many have known over this supposed to be magical feeling. No one will ever be able to explain it, why do we do what we do, why we feel what we feel. No one can tell you what your heart does or does not want or need. No one can tell you if it is right or wrong. Even if you want to wait for the rest of your life, waiting for an answer from this special person, even if want to spend the rest of your life enduring the pain, no one can tell you that it is so wrong or that it is so right.
Because when it comes right down to it, there is no wrong in I LOVE YOU.
So dear friend, good luck. May all the sacrifices u hv made, all the pain u hv endured will worth it.
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